Thursday, August 22, 2013

Minion Bulletin Board Pattern and New Stuff the 2013-2014 School Year

I am not (not, not) an artist, but I have tried to make a pattern for others to follow if you want to create your own Do, Re, Minions.  Please use it as a rough guide to get the basic shape for a short minion and a tall minion (is there such a thing?)

Outlines are included for goggles, eyeballs and pupils, but you'll want to create your own mouths, smirks, eyebrows and hair to create personalities for each of your little guys.  The two patterns are in PDF format and each little guy takes 4 pages to print.  Tape them together as indicated (hopefully it's clear), and cut out the outlines. You can decide if you want arms up or arms down by cutting on the dotted lines. Short Minion  Tall Minion

 I've had to make TWO sets of Minions.  My classes "loved" them to death; patting them, kissing them, and just generally touching them as they go by the door.  I've learned my lesson and the newest crop of Minions are where students can see, but not touch.

Now I'm happy to share what I "borrowed" from the internet as I trolled around the www for back-to-school bulletin board ideas.  I enjoy making foam letters.

This one is my own "creation."  We're required to post our goals for every class.  Not knowing how to do that for 600 students in grades K - 5 music class, I decided that I could do it in pictures - like a rebus - and then fill in the details as needed for each grade level.  I got all of my clip art from the internet (free stuff), printed each on a page and laminated it.  Simple enough that even an adult could understand it (hee, hee)!

read solfege and note names
clap and count rhythms
compose and write musical ideas   AS WE
sing together and alone, listen for musical ideas, play instruments, dance and play games
ask questions, make discoveries, and enjoy  MUSIC.