Friday, December 2, 2011

Happy Feet

Warm feet!  This is my absolute favorite thing to knit:  slippers!  Everyone in my family (and some of their friends) have received a pair as a gift - whether they wanted them or not.  (BTW:  That's the BAD thing about been a compulsive knitter.  You end up with lots of finished products and no one to give them to.  My poor family probably thinks that I will knit them a coffin when the time comes...Gee, I hadn't thought about that until just now...I wonder if there's a pattern?  JUST KIDDING!)

These slippers are warm, practically indestructible, and they mold to your feet.  Cozy!  The pattern is called "Felt Clogs" and is published by Fiber Trends.  The design is by Bev Galeskas.  I took a class at Sheep's Clothing in Valparaiso to learn how to knit them. I've made so many pairs now, that I have the pattern memorized.  Some days, I can't even remember my own name, but I could k1, m1, k 23 'til the cows (or sheep, in this case) come home.

They are CLOWN SHOES when you knit them, but shrink in the washer to fit you during the felting process.  Check out the "before" and "after" of two different pairs.  The lime green ones are my current "go-to" pair.  Cheerful.


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