I haven't thought about this craft for nearly 30 years (ouch! that seems old-lady-ish), but we have a friend at work who is expecting a baby after years of hoping and trying for another child. That's a sure cause for celebration, so a secret baby shower is in the works. Isn't it always the case that a blessing comes just after you've given everything away or sold all the baby things at a garage sale??
Ta-da!! I remembered the hooded towels and came up with this inspiration during the week: Pink Puppies (they just got a new dog, too!) Yes...the new baby is "most likely" a girl, although I may make another towel that is more gender- neutral to include with the gift as back-up. It was fun to make (after all these years) I especially love the ears and the polka dots!
I also had an idea for little booties. Here's the "proto-type" but I'm not happy with the color (too yellowish). I have more yarn in my stash and I'll try again. Also, the booties seem too big for a newborn. I'll adjust the needle size and see what I get. It was a one evening, watching tv project after a long and sort of stressful week. Felt good to do something tangible!
so cute! although let's not get all "old lady" when talking about how long I've been alive, ok?!?! the 30 birthday is looming... :) love you!