Just a few days of school left, and I have to be honest, I'm not quite ready to say good-bye to these lovely children. We had two wonderful performances on Friday for Grandparent's Day. Believe me, there is NO MORE APPRECIATIVE audience than Grandma and Grandpa listening to their beloved grandchildren singing. Each grade level sang a song from class (connected to the curriculum and in most cases integrated with classroom studies) then we asked the audience to sing along with us. They sang happily and proudly!! Although we sang several different types of songs, the three that stand out in my mind (and heart) are the 1st graders and Grandparents singing "You are My Sunshine, " the 3rd Grade Class and Grandparents singing "Take me out to the Ballgame", and the final song from our 5th graders "Seize the Day" It's hard to say good-bye to students you've known since first grade. My, how they've grown!
Did you get those baskets and strawberries at the CP Farmer Market?