Okay. It's not the most original idea, nor the prettiest, but it does cover up an ugly spot in my room. On one side (the far side) of the room, I have acoustical tiles on the wall with choral risers in front. From time to time, I would decorate the railing with a monthly theme or decoration, but it really didn't work very well. It was too difficult to keep up with the changing seasons or theme. Also, as the children stood on the risers, the decorations would invariably get torn or knocked down. They're kids. That's what they do!
So, in a last minute fit of "inspiration," I traced out a large map of the United States and started filling in "states" with musical instrument shapes. I am not a good "draw - er" (as kids would say) but I can sketch out some basic instrument shapes.
I put up a title (although it was crooked when I took this picture) and voila! I have a bulletin board for the year. Maybe if I get extra inspiration and time, I'll redo it for next year with colored instrument states (instead of using the only black marker I could find at the time)
The children have all noticed and commented. They like that we live in the state of "TUBA"near where Lake Michigan might be on the map.
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