Tuesday, December 27, 2011


I have a gift card burning a hole in my knitting bag, anxious to buy new yarn and start a new project.  It's a sickness!! Before I invest in new yarn for the new year, it's a good idea to take inventory of the old yarn and see what purpose it can serve.  Here's the stash (but I'm semi-embarassed to say that this is only a portion of the accumulation of yarn endings!)

When I look at the yarn, I see the left overs from purses, mittens, hats, and slippers and I think about the people who are wearing those things now.  I remember almost every project and where I was when I knitted them.  No "mystery"yarn in this batch.  Here's the good thing (my rationalization for having so much yarn): I don't have "unused" skeins just waiting for a project.  No no!  I save that distinction for my bags of unsewn material.    "Some day this  (or that) will make a nice whatever."  Cleaning out my crafting area SHOULD be my New Year's resolution.


I actually have a project in mind in mind for this yarn, but it will be a while before I'm able to start it (demonstrating great self-control!) First, I MUST finish the project I currently have on my needles.  Just a hint...the new project will also give me the opportunity to use a technique called intarsia - carrying more than one color at a time.  I've done a sample of the project just to make sure I can do it, and now I'm anxious to get started.

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