Sunday, July 22, 2012

Nine Innings of Knitting

We watch a lot of baseball in this house.  Not just ANY baseball....New York Yankee Baseball.

Seriously, we watch every Yankee game, every day.  How many hours is that?  I'm afraid to add it all up for fear that I'll see a wasted life dribbled out before me in hits, runs, and errors.  Granted, we DVR most of the games and fast-forward through the commercials and sometimes the opposing team's at-bats.  That also helps us avoid the inane chatter of the non-Yankee broadcasters on away games (everyone hates the Yankees, especially when they win)  I like watching the games because I like spending time with my husband and HE enjoys the Yankees.  I'm a fan by marriage, I guess.  After 30 plus years of following the team along with him, I've learned about baseball, in general, as well as stuff about the Yankee players and lots of Yankee lore.  I like that part of it.

I also like (love) the fact that the games are about 3 hours long (more if they're playing Boston) and that's a lot of knitting time.  I cannot and do not watch the entire game from the comfort of the couch.  I'm up and down, playing with the dog, washing the dishes, doing homework, answering the phone, blah, blah, blah, but I do have quite a bit of time with knitting needles.  I keep my knitting bag next to the couch and pick up my projects where I left off at the last game.  Honestly, it's been a bit too warm to wrap myself in yarn projects these last few weeks, but thanks to the Yank's latest winning streak, I have a new pair of slippers.

The slippers need to be made of real wool (not an acrylic) so they can be felted in the washing machine.  It makes a perfect fit to your foot.  Warm and soft and cuddly.

Gus LOVES my slippers and thanks to his attack on my old pair, I have some new ones.

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